
Scientific publications

Actis-Grosso, R., Tassistro, F., & Masci, F. (s.d.). Il Wud-Milan 2020 come case-study: L’ergonomia dell’organizzazione diventa digitale. Human-Centered AI, 134.

Actis-Grosso, Rossana, Roberta Capellini, Francesco Ghedin, e Francesca Tassistro. «Implicit Measures as a Useful Tool for Evaluating User Experience», 3–20, 2021.

Andrighetto, Luca, Paolo Riva, e Alessandro Gabbiadini. «Lonely hearts and angry minds: Online dating rejection increases male (but not female) hostility». Aggressive Behavior 45, fasc. 5 (2019): 571–81.

Balconi, M., Pezard, L., Nandrino, J.-L., & Vanutelli, M. E. (2017). Two is better than one: The effects of strategic cooperation on intra- and inter-brain connectivity by fNIRS. PLoS ONE, 12(11), e0187652.

Baretta, Dario, Fabio Sartori, Andrea Greco, Marco D’Addario, Riccardo Melen, e Patrizia Steca. «Improving Physical Activity mHealth Interventions: Development of a Computational Model of Self-Efficacy Theory to Define Adaptive Goals for Exercise Promotion». Advances in Human-Computer Interaction 2019, fasc. 1 (2019): 3068748.

Baretta, Dario, Olga Perski, e Patrizia Steca. «Exploring Users’ Experiences of the Uptake and Adoption of Physical Activity Apps: Longitudinal Qualitative Study». JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 7, fasc. 2 (8 febbraio 2019): e11636.

Baretta, Dario, Paulina Bondaronek, Artur Direito, e Patrizia Steca. «Implementation of the goal-setting components in popular physical activity apps: Review and content analysis». DIGITAL HEALTH 5 (2019): 2055207619862706.

Bocci, Francesco, Ambra Ferrari, e Marcello Sarini. «Putting the Gaming Experience at the Center of the Therapy—The Video Game Therapy® Approach». Healthcare 11, fasc. 12 (2023).

Bollini, Letizia e others. «A user-centered Perspective on Interactive Data Visualization. A digital flâneries into the documentation of the Historical Italian Mind Science Archive», 2020.

Bollini, Letizia, e Irene Della Fazia. «Situated Emotions. The Role of the Soundscape in a Geo-Based Multimodal Application in the Field of Cultural Heritage». In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020, a cura di Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Misra, Chiara Garau, Ivan Blečić, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan, et al., 805–19. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Bollini, Letizia, Monica Pennati, e others. «Improving the User Experience in the Field of Ehealth. Muoviti! A Co-Designed Transmedia Application». In e-Society 2019 proceedings 2019, 81–89. IADIS, 2019.

Bollini, Letizia. «Ephemeral Memories. The Paradox of Images’ Abundance in the Age of Digital Mortality». In Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination, a cura di Enrico Cicalò, 419–31. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Bollini, Letizia. «Res Logica Magister. Testing with teachers a gamification-based tablet app for language learning». In INTED2018 Proceedings, 598–607. IATED, 2018.

Brouder, Lily M., e Gerald J. Haeffel. «Stable-Global Attributions, But Not Emotional Valence, Predict Future Depressive Symptoms and Event-Specific Inferences». Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 42, fasc. 5 (2023): 471–86.

Caccamo, A, C Martino, L Bollini, e others. «Interfaces of the Agricolture 4.0». In WEBIST 2019. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 1:273–80. SciTePress, 2019.

Capodieci, Agnese, Costanza Ruffini, Andrea Frascari, Carlotta Rivella, Clara Bombonato, Susanna Giaccherini, Valentina Scali, et al. «Executive functions in children with specific learning disorders: Shedding light on a complex profile through teleassessment». Research in Developmental Disabilities 142 (2023): 104621.

Cattaneo, Zaira e others. «La profezia tecnologica tra scienza e mito». In Technopolis. La città sicura tra mediazione giuridica e profezia tecnologica. Giuffrè, 2019.

Ceruti, Claudia, Clara Bombonato, Agnese Capodieci, Andrea Frascari, Chiara Pecini, Carlotta Rivella, Costanza Ruffini, et al. «Tele-valutazione delle funzioni esecutive in bambini con sintomi da deficit di attenzione/iperattività: Uno studio empirico.» DIS-Dislessia, Discalculia & Disturbi di Attenzione 5, fasc. 1 (2024).

Crippa, F., Bertarelli, G., & Mecatti, F. (2021). A Spatio-Temporal Approach to Latent Variables: Modelling Gender (im) balance in the Big Data Era. Pathways Between Social Science and Computational Social Science: Theories, Methods, and Interpretations, 159-177.

Crippa, F., Cesana, L., & Daini, R. (2023). Neuropsychological Normed Measures for the Tinker Toy Test (TTT). Exploring Latent Structures. In Quantitative Demography and Health Estimates: Healthy Life Expectancy, Templates for Direct Estimates from Life Tables and other Applications (pp. 123-130). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland

D’Addario, Marco, Dario Baretta, Francesco Zanatta, Andrea Greco, e Patrizia Steca. «Engagement Features in Physical Activity Smartphone Apps: Focus Group Study With Sedentary People». JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 8, fasc. 11 (16 novembre 2020): e20460.

De Fabritiis, Marlene, Federica Trisolini, Gloria Bertuletti, Ionut Daniel Fagadau, Davide Ginelli, Katiuscia Pia Lalopa, Lisa Peverelli, et al. «An Internet-Based Multi-Approach Intervention Targeting University Students Suffering from Psychological Problems: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation». International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, fasc. 5 (2022).

Dell’Aversana, G, A Gragnano, H Bertolini, M Miglioretti, e others. «Favorire la conciliazione vita-lavoro stimolando il supporto fra colleghi attraverso la tecnologia: una ricerca-intervento nel contesto milanese», 2023.

Di Pierro, Rossella, Sara Amelio, Martina Macca, Fabio Madeddu, e Marco Di Sarno. «What If I Feel Rejected? Borderline Personality, Pathological Narcissism, and Social Rejection in Daily Life». Journal of Personality Disorders36, fasc. 5 (2022): 559–82.

Di Sarno, Marco, Giulio Costantini, Juliette Richetin, Emanuele Preti, e Marco Perugini. «Why are you (un)conscientious? The dynamic interplay of goals, states, and traits in everyday life». Journal of Personality 91, fasc. 4 (2023): 977–91.

Frisiello, Antonella, Rossana Actis-Grosso, e others. «Global initiatives to locally explore the user experience The case of the Turin world usability day». Communication Papers 7, fasc. 13 (2018).

Gabbiadini, Alessandro, Cristina Baldissarri, Federica Durante, Roberta Rosa Valtorta, Maria De Rosa, e Marcello Gallucci. «Together Apart: The Mitigating Role of Digital Communication Technologies on Negative Affect During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy». Frontiers in Psychology 11 (2020).

Gabbiadini, Alessandro, Cristina Baldissarri, Roberta Rosa Valtorta, Federica Durante, e Silvia Mari. «Loneliness, Escapism, and Identification With Media Characters: An Exploration of the Psychological Factors Underlying Binge-Watching Tendency». Frontiers in Psychology 12 (2021).

Gabbiadini, Alessandro, e Tobias Greitemeyer. «Fitness mobile apps positively affect attitudes, perceived behavioral control and physical activities». The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 59, fasc. 3 (marzo 2019): 407—414.

Herold, Margherita, Silvia Simbula, e Marcello Gallucci. «Can smartphone applications and wearable technologies improve workplace well-being and help manage stress? A systematic review». Current Psychology, 24 agosto 2024.

Herold, M, S Simbula, M Gallucci, M Miglioretti, e others. «A Smartphone-app intervention for Stress Reduction and Well-being Enhancement», 2024.

Lucchiari, C; Vanutelli, ME; Ferrara, V; Folgieri, R; Banzi, A. (2024). Promoting Well-Being in the Museum: The ASBA Project Research Protocol. The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society, 14(4), 73-88.

Maffoni, Marina, Valeria Torlaschi, Antonia Pierobon, Francesco Zanatta, Roberta Grasso, Stefania Bagliani, Luca Govoni, et al. «Video calls during the COVID-19 pandemic: A bridge for patients, families, and respiratory therapists.» Families, Systems, & Health 39, fasc. 4 (2021): 650.

Marconi, Luca, R Matamoros Aragon, S Fossati, I Zoppis, R Actis Grosso, S Manzoni, G Mauri, F Epifania, e others. «Towards Explainable AI for Personalized Teaching: results on experimental activities on the “WhoTeach” educational platform». In Atti Convegno Nazionale DIDAMATiCA 2020, 186–97, 2020.

Marinucci, Marco, Luca Pancani, Nicolas Aureli, e Paolo Riva. «Online social connections as surrogates of face-to-face interactions: A longitudinal study under Covid-19 isolation». Computers in Human Behavior 128 (2022): 107102.

Miglioretti, Massimo, e Silvia Simbula. «Le tecnologie al lavoro e il loro impatto sullo stress e la salute dei lavoratori». Giornale italiano di psicologia, Rivista trimestrale, fasc. 1-2/2019 (2019): 141–46.

Nadia Olivero, Patrizia Steca, Andrea Greco, Anna Maria Annoni, e Paul Benjamin Lowry. «Does opportunity make the thief? Abilities and moral disengagement in illegal downloading». Behaviour & Information Technology 38, fasc. 12 (2019): 1273–89.

Naima, F, F Zanatta, R Adorni, P Steca, C Rosario, L Barbara, & others. «The Impact of Robot-assisted and Virtual Reality-based Neuromotor Rehabilitation on Health-related Quality of Life: A Systematic Review», 2022.

Paganin, G, S Simbula, A Vaccari, C Zambrano Avendano, & others. «Utile e facile da usare (ma non solo): prerequisiti dell’accettazione di un intervento smartphone-based per la gestione dello stress e la promozione del benessere in azienda». In Giornate di Studio della Sezione di “Psicologia per le Organizzazioni”. “La Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni ai tempi del Coronavirus: proposte di ricerca e linee di intervento”, 2020.

Paganin, Giulia, e Silvia Simbula. «New Technologies in the Workplace: Can Personal and Organizational Variables Affect the Employees’ Intention to Use a Work-Stress Management App?» International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, fasc. 17 (2021).

Paganin, Giulia, Silvia Simbula, e others. «Smartphone-based interventions for employees’ well-being promotion: a systematic review». Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis 13, fasc. 3 (2020): 682–712.

Pancani, L, E Preti, P Riva, & others. «Fattori psicosociali implicati nell’utilizzo dello smartphone». In XV Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia. Book of Abstracts, 6–7, 2018.

Pancani, Luca, Daniel Waldeck, Ian Tyndall, & Paolo Riva. «An ecological momentary assessment study to investigate individuals’ reactions to perceived social exclusion». Personality and Individual Differences 200 (2023): 111913.

Pancani, Luca, Emanuele Preti, e Paolo Riva. «The Psychology of Smartphone: The Development of the Smartphone Impact Scale (SIS)». Assessment 27, fasc. 6 (2020): 1176–97.

Parolin, Laura Antonia Lucia, Ilaria Maria Antonietta Benzi, Erika Fanti, Alberto Milesi, Pietro Cipresso, e Emanuele Preti. «Italia Ti Ascolto [Italy, I am listening]: an app-based group psychological intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic». Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process, and Outcome 24, fasc. 1 (2021).

Perasso, Giulia, Eleonora Picco, Pierpaolo Di Bitonto, Clio Sozzani, Alberto Martelli, Massimo Miglioretti, e Chiara Ripamonti. «Exploring Amico H impact: A promising tool to promote children’s knowledge and adherence to medical procedures». PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE, fasc. 2023/3 (2023).

Picco, Eleonora, Inge Houkes, Angelique De Rijk, e Massimo Miglioretti. «The Maastricht instrument for sustainable employability–Italian version (MAISE-IT): a validation study». BMC Public Health 22, fasc. 1 (2022): 541.

Picco, Eleonora, Massimo Miglioretti, e Pascale M. Le Blanc. «Sustainable employability, technology acceptance and task performance in workers collaborating with robots: a pilot study». Cognition, Technology & Work 26, fasc. 1 (1 febbraio 2024): 139–52.

Pirola, Alessia, Emanuele Preti, Fabio Madeddu, Daniela Micucci, e Raffaella Calati. «[Internet- and Mobile-based interventions aimed at suicide risks: a review of the literature.]». Recenti progressi in medicina 113, fasc. 4 (aprile 2022): 256—262.

Realdon, Olivia, Roberta Adorni, Davide Ginelli, Daniela Micucci, Valeria Blasi, Daniele Bellavia, Fabrizio Schettini, et al. «Embedding the Patient-Citizen Perspective into an Operational Framework for the Development and the Introduction of New Technologies in Rehabilitation Care: The Smart&Touch-ID Model». Healthcare 11, fasc. 11 (2023).

Riva, Giuseppe, Daniele Di Lernia, Cosimo Tuena, Luca Bernardelli, Jose Gutiérrez Maldonado, Marta Ferrer-Garcia, Bruno Porras-Garcia, et al. «A Self-Help Virtual Therapeutic Experience Intervention for Overcoming Psychological Distress Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results From the European Multicentric COVID Feel Good Trial». Psychosomatic Medicine 85, fasc. 7 (2023).

Riva, Giuseppe, Luca Bernardelli, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Daniele Di Lernia, Cosimo Tuena, Alex Clementi, Elisa Pedroli, et al. «A Virtual Reality-Based Self-Help Intervention for Dealing with the Psychological Distress Associated with the COVID-19 Lockdown: An Effectiveness Study with a Two-Week Follow-Up». International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, fasc. 15 (2021).

Riva, P, D Mazzoni, e others. «Il volto sociale della psiche: Connessioni sociali per il benessere della persona.» Temi e tematiche, 2019, 275–97.

Rivella, Carlotta, Costanza Ruffini, Clara Bombonato, Agnese Capodieci, Andrea Frascari, Gian Marco Marzocchi, Alessandra Mingozzi, et al. «TeleFE: A New Tool for the Tele-Assessment of Executive Functions in Children». Applied Sciences 13, fasc. 3 (2023).

Sarini, Marcello, Rossana Actis Grosso, Maria Elena Magrin, Silvia Mari, Nadia Olivero, Giulia Paganin, e Silvia Simbula. «A Cluster Analysis of the Acceptance of a Contact Tracing App—The Identification of Profiles for the Italian Immuni Contact Tracing App». Healthcare 10, fasc. 5 (2022).

Sarno, Marco Di, Johannes Zimmermann, Fabio Madeddu, Erica Casini, e Rossella Di Pierro. «Shame behind the corner? A daily diary investigation of pathological narcissism». Journal of Research in Personality 85 (2020): 103924.

Silvia Serino, Guendalina Graffigna, Andrea Bonanomi, Lorenzo Palamenghi, Cosimo Tuena, e Giuseppe Riva. «Evaluating technology engagement in the time of COVID-19: the Technology Engagement Scale». Behaviour & Information Technology 43, fasc. 5 (2024): 943–55.

Simbula, S, G Paganin, M Miglioretti, e others. «L’utilizzo di app per la promozione del benessere dei lavoratori». In Abstract Book: Il futuro del lavoro, il lavoro del futuro: la psicologia per innovare, trasformare e crescere nelle organizzazioni, 2019.

Simić, Andrej, Simona Sacchi, e Marco Perugini. «When Future Leads to a Moral Present: Future Self-Relatedness Predicts Moral Judgments and Behavior in Everyday Life». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0, fasc. 0 (s.d.): 01461672231211128.

Vanutelli, M. E., Salvadore, M., & Lucchiari, C. (2023). BCI Applications to Creativity: Review and Future Directions, from little-c to C2. Brain Sciences, 13(4), 665.

Vanutelli, M. E., & Lucchiari, C. (2022). “Hyperfeedback” as a Tool to Assess and Induce Interpersonal Synchrony: The Role of Applied Social Neurosciences for Research, Training, and Clinical Practice. Journal of Health and Medical Sciences, 5(2), 11-18.

Vanutelli, M. E., Gatti, L., Angioletti, L., & Balconi, M. (2017). Affective Synchrony and Autonomic Coupling during Cooperation: A Hyperscanning Study. BioMed Research International, 2017, 3104564.

Vanutelli, M. E., Venturella, I., Angioletti, L., & Balconi, M. (2017). Mirroring the emotions of others by autonomic system: Intra-species effect in children. Neuropsychological Trends, 22, 109-119.

Zanatta, F, R Adorni, M D’Addario, P Steca, & others. «La promozione dell’attività fisica attraverso l’uso di app», 2023.

Zanatta, F., D’Addario, M., & Steca, P. (2023). Comunicazione tailorizzata e ruolo delle nuove tecnologie nella psicologia della salute.

Zanatta, F., Steca, P., Cira, F., Anna, G., Alessandro, M., Chiara, F., … & Antonia, P. (2022). Robot-assisted and Virtual Reality-based Neuromotor Rehabilitation: Evidence on Devices Experience of Use and Effectiveness.

Zanatta, Francesco, Anna Giardini, Antonia Pierobon, Marco D’Addario, e Patrizia Steca. «A systematic review on the usability of robotic and virtual reality devices in neuromotor rehabilitation: patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspective». BMC Health Services Research 22, fasc. 1 (20 aprile 2022): 523.

Zanatta, Francesco, Naima Z. Farhane-Medina, Roberta Adorni, Patrizia Steca, Anna Giardini, Marco D’Addario, e Antonia Pierobon. «Combining robot-assisted therapy with virtual reality or using it alone? A systematic review on health-related quality of life in neurological patients». Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 21, fasc. 1 (21 febbraio 2023): 18.

Zanatta, Francesco, Patrizia Steca, Cira Fundarò, Anna Giardini, Guido Felicetti, Monica Panigazzi, Giovanni Arbasi, Cesare Grilli, Marco D’Addario, e Antonia Pierobon. «Biopsychosocial effects and experience of use of robotic and virtual reality devices in neuromotor rehabilitation: A study protocol». PLOS ONE 18, fasc. 3 (marzo 2023): 1–19. h


«Non hai una seconda occasione di fare una prima impressione: Il design delle interfacce come strumento di engagement con gli utenti». In Web strategy museale: Monitorare e progettare la comunicazione culturale nel web, 1. Milano: Edizione ICOM Italia, 2019.

«The Real World and the Digital: Discovering the Milano-Bicocca District: Cues and Views». In Story of a District: Milano-Bicocca: People, Places, Recollections, 8. Milano: Scalpendi Editore, 2019.