The bicapp is pleased to announce the summer school organised by our partner Mibtec!
The school will address the relationship between human factors and virtual reality technologies for theoretical and applied research purposes. Professionals from academic and business-oriented backgrounds will serve as speakers. The school is ad- dressed to students and professionals from very different backgrounds (interaction designers, psychologists, neuroscientists, engineers, computer scientists, etc.) interested in developing new projects in the field of VR technologies. There will be lectures as well as practical activities with feedback from experts in the fields of Virtual Reality and human factors.
Application deadline – 30th of June 2021 – www.psytech-advanced-school.it
Accomodation – If you have been selected to the summer school program, in order to request a quote on accommodation in one of the facilities of Bicocca Campus you can send an email to booking.bicocca.fms.it@sodexo.com
Target Audience – This school can be attended by research fellows, PhD students, professionals from very different contexts (psychologists, designers, software developers and UX engineers, designers) and students of master’s degree courses. Given the limited places, priority will be given according to the CV to create balanced multidisciplinary study groups. The school is limited to a maximum of 25 students.
The summer school has three different strands: theoretical approaches, developmental practices and confrontation with the business world. This is why we have invited distinguished speakers from the academic world, professional developers and business companies.
During the week students will learn both theoretical aspects related to the human factors involved in the design of VR/AR environments and practical aspects of Unity developement. Finally, the participants will be divided into working groups to design innovative AR/VR solutions and to have a direct direct feedback from representatives of the business world.
FIND OUT MORE HERE www.psytech-advanced-school.it