The new bicapp Website is finally online!

SmartPsychology Summer School

Published on 2 May 2022

SmartPsychology Summer School – 04-08 july 2022 The bicapp and Mibtec centres are pleased...


WUD2022: World usability day 2022 – Milan

Published on 9 November 2021

The bicapp Research center will be part of the World usability Day 2022! Wud...


Building the new everything – MIBTEC VR & AR Summer School 2021

Published on 15 June 2021

The bicapp is pleased to announce the summer school organised by our partner Mibtec!...

centro di ricerca bicapp

Do you want to do research @bicapp?

Are you interested in the relationship between human behaviour and mobile or wearable technologies? Do you want to develop usable and innovative technologies?